Comedy has always been used to influence opinion. Satire and wit serve to exhibit intelligence and bolster respect for the comedian. A jaded discontent on the part of a comedian taps into the restlessness of youth and challenges flawed power structures. In exchange for being receptive, audiences receive a laugh, and a pleasurable listening experience. It's a powerful medium for information delivery.
This form of delivery has most often been used to poke fun and reveal the ridiculousness of behaviors, traditions, and social mores. In short, comedy improves society by breaking it down. Comedies like George Carlin mock religion, Lewis Black pokes fun at politicians, and Jim Gaffigan gets a chuckle from the horrors of food addiction. Until recently, moral guidance has been left to its traditional sources: religion and its ministers. Things are changing.
Analysis of life, healthy doses of fatherly advice, and exploratory spiritual sketches on the meaning of life are among the newest developments. Unlike traditional moral guidance, behavior and language are shallow indicators of moral principle. Comedians understand this with their colorful language and perverse descriptions. This seems to be in line with the realizations of many liberated ex-religious. Leave puritanism to fossilized Quakers and Christians who, without the 10 commandments would apparently forget how to behave and eat each other alive. Purity and wellness are not as simple as doing and saying the right things. Like this post, many comedy sketches are just vague attempts at progress; abstracts, but who really has the answers anyway?
Bill Hicks:

"I'm bored" is a useless thing to say. You live in a great, big, vast world that you've seen none percent of. And even the inside of your own mind is endless. It goes on forever inwardly. Do you understand? Being the fact that you're alive is amazing, you don't get to be bored."
[On suicide]
"I got my reasons to live, I've worked to figure out what they are, and I'm not just handing them over to you.... If you wanna tap out 'cuz your life is sh*t, ya know what, it's not your life, it's life ... Life is bigger than you, if you can imagine that. Life isn't something that you possess, it's something that you take part in."
[On work and fulfillment]
What are some of your favorite comedian quotes?